Server Regulations
If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns regarding the information stated here, please direct yourself to a support ticket.
You must be 13 years of age or older; this condition is not only a requirement of GVRS but also of the Discord Terms of Service.
Respect must always be shown, regardless of a person's race, gender, religion, political views, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that separates them.
No NSFW (not safe for work) content or spamming is permitted in any of the chats. This includes in-game as well as in Discord.
In any of our voice or text channels, you aren't allowed to make loud noises, post extremely loud videos or audios, or do anything else that affects others.
Any order given by a staff member must be obeyed at all times.
Advertising is not permitted in GVRS channels. Advertising in DMs is permitted if it isn't connected to GVRS as well as you haven't sent it to a numerous amount of people.
You cannot use alternate accounts to rejoin the group if you have been banned. The only way to get your banned appeal is by appealing it with the link attached to your Dyno message. Before doing that it must say your ban is appealable.
Neither drama from outside groups nor drama based on events or punishments should be introduced into the GVRS. No comments that are criticizing other roleplay communities or groups are permitted.
You're not allowed to ask for re-invites or a session to be hosted. This also includes even hinting at a session to be hosted.
Do not alter evidence, such as but not limited to past messages that have been deleted, text that was not stated that has been edited using inspect elements or similar tools, or messages or photographs that have been photoshopped.
DMs are moderated if it is related to GVRS. This includes, but is not restricted to; offensive language, advertising, harassment, discrimination, and NSFW material.
This is an English-only server. Do not use other languages to bypass the chat filter.
Last updated